XenForo [cXF] Icons in Header 1.1.5 Download

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This is a cXF Pack B Membership Add-on. Upgrade your account to cXF Pack B Membership for:
  • 1-year access to all cXF Pack B Membership Add-ons for XenForo 2
  • 1-year access to all cXF Premium Customizations for XenForo 2
If you got our add-ons on websites other than customizexf.com or xenforo.com, then you got them on pirated sites. If so, we suggest you remove the add-on from the server and download it from the original site. Please, support the developers and fight piracy!


This add-on will add an option for social icons (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+ etc.), RSS and/or contact icon to show in header.

  • show social network icons in header (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+); actually you can add any social icon you want
  • show RSS icon in header
  • show contact icon in header; on click contact form will open in overlay
  • all icons a customizable (color, hover color, size, icon can be changed)
  • option to open links in new tab
  • option to position icons in header (move up/down, left/right)
Example screens:






