XenForo [cXF] New Threads Widget Plus 1.0.0 Null Download

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1.0.0 download the source from the button above

This is a cXF Pack A Membership Add-on. Upgrade your account to cXF Pack A Membership for:
  • 1-year access to all cXF Pack A Membership Add-ons for XenForo 2
  • 1-year access to all cXF Premium Customizations for XenForo 2
If you got our add-ons on websites other than customizexf.com or xenforo.com, then you got them on pirated sites. If so, we suggest you remove the add-on from the server and download it from the original site. Please, support the developers!

Use the New Thread Widget with an extended option and some additional features. When displaying the New Threads Widget with an expanded option, an expandable "View more" link is available for longer posts.

  • expandable "View more" link for longer posts
  • optional "View this thread" at the bottom of the post in the widget




This add-on only works with the XenForo New Threads Widget with the extended option enabled:
