XenForo [NICK97] SteamIntegeration - XF2 2.2.5 Patch Level 4 Download

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2.2.5 Patch Level 4 download the source from the button above

Display steam games, steam friends and steam workshop in users Profile.

Key Feature(s):
  • Sync steams games and steam friends in users profile
  • Add steam games, steam friends and steam workshop in users profile
  • Steam tabs privacy so users can blocked some user to view steam content
  • User-group Permission to view steam contents
  • Game filters and workshop filters
  • Turned off Steam tabs privacy option
  • Support steam add-ons including [TH] Connected Account Providers, XF2 [S70] Steam Authentication and Integration (Not Recommended).

Copyright © 2019-2023 NICK97. This item is not authorized for posting on xenforo.com and others web sites except under the xenforo account named NICK97, GameNet

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