IPS Random Picks 1.0.0 Download

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This block displays content from the "Our Picks" section in random order. It does not use a carousel. It has a column and row appearance.

  • Horizontal and vertical blocks.
  • Reusable on the same page.
  • The title can be translated.
  • Show/hide block title.
  • The number of records that can be shown in one block.
  • Number of columns (1, 2, 3 or 4).
  • Show default cover if image entries are not available.
  • Show/hide more than one image (if more than one is added to a post).
  • Show/hide meta description.
  • Trimming the description text by the number of lines.
  • Show/hide reactions and comments.
  • Show/hide promotion author.
  • Show/hide the "View all" link.
  • Limit on the number of days the entry is old (or unlimited).
  • Responsive mobile design.
  • Supports lazy loading.

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