XenForo [Xen-Soluce] User Upgrade Pro 2.1.3 Fix 3 Null Download

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2.1.3 Fix 3 download the source from the button above

Description :
  • This add-on allow you to let users renew their upgrades before it expired, send email/conversation with notice once expired asking them to renew and more.
Feature summary :
  • Options :
    • Invoice logo
    • Company detail
    • Footer block
    • Username
    • Enable field in invoice
    • Send email/conversation before and after expiration date
    • Display notice to the user with expired account and asked him to renew
    • Allow user to renew his account even before expiration date
    • Invoice list
    • Alert user before/after expiration
    • Exclude upgrade from invoice
    • Show in user profile how many times this user upgraded his account
Branding :
  • This add-on does not include branding.
Installation :
  • Download and unzip it.
  • Copy the src/addons/XenSoluce/UserUpgradePro directory to your server.
  • From the AdminCP install the add-on.
Note :
  • Don't hesitate to leave a rating : Leave a rating !