IPS Advanced Topic Feed 1.5.3 Download

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This is an application will get topics in the selected forums or clubs, and display as a feed with essential enhancements:
  • Quick reply.
  • Reactions.
  • Ajax Paginations.
  • Ajax for edit/delete/hide/unhide/lock/unlock options
  • Option to set widget's title.
  • Option to set how topics should be loaded per page.
  • Option to truncate lines.
  • Option to enable/disable rich text.
  • Option to show/hide the topic's title.
  • Automated title. User will no need to enter the title when posting a new topic.
  • Creating multiple feeds and easy to manage them in different groups.
  • Each feed has a unique page with friendly URL.
  • Ability to use a Widget to display a feed.
  • Supports Lazyload.
  • Supports Clubs.

