IPS Auto Follow Content 1.2.6 Download

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This application will admins to choose content (categories or items) to be automatically followed by new members when they create or validate the account (depending on your configuration).

Basic Settings:
  • Frequecy of notifications
  • Let others see that the user follow the content
Apps supported:
  • All apps that their containers (categories) and content items (topics, images, files, blog entries, records, adverts, tutorials, videos, etc.) can be followed.
  • A tab to follow Public and ReadOnly Clubs will also appear as an option
  • A tab to follow Members will also appear as an option
Specifc Apps:
  • Pages: All databases will appear as a new tab
  • Gallery: Albums will appear in addition to categories and images
  • App tab will only appear is you have the app installed and enabled.


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