XenForo Confirm Email Field 2.x 2.0.0 Null Download

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The add-on adds a new field in XenForo registration page for users to confirm their email:

By default, the product doesn't allow users to paste their email address from the clipboard, to ensure users type the email manually and avoid typos. The feature is supported only in modern browsers with JavaScript, that have appropriate JavaScript API to prevent user from pasting text in a field. This feature can be disabled from admin panel:


If there is a mismatch between the email field and the confirmation field, the error is shown along with other registration errors using the same format:


In this case, the confirmation field is intentionally left empty to force the user to re-check their email address.

The payment is one-time only, without renewal and support fees and without any visible branding.

The payments are accepted via 2checkout.com, that supports PayPal and all major credit cards.

The product is approved immediately after the payment is completed and can be downloaded from Client's Area at https://customers.addonslab.com/clientarea.php

The support will be provided in the Discussion Thread here or via our ticket system at https://customers.addonslab.com/submitticket.php You can expect 24 hours turn-around time for your support inquiries.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Thank you!

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