You can free Prevent Unconfirmed Email Addresses from Browsing Community
v1.0.0 download the source from the button above
v1.0.0 download the source from the button above
Prevent all newly registered users with unconfirmed email addresses from viewing community pages until they’ve confirmed their email address.
A warning message is shown to the user notifying them they need to confirm their email address before continuing to browse the community.
Features include:
A warning message is shown to the user notifying them they need to confirm their email address before continuing to browse the community.
Features include:
- Show detailed message warning users to confirm email (versus default XF notice)
- Option to add account email update link within message (on/off [default=on])
- Option to remove other notices from displaying (remove default XF notice [default=off])
- The message is forced site-wide except on “Account” pages (to ensure user can update their email address)
- Quickly enable/disable add-on
- All language in phrases
- Supports multilingual translation