XenForo [cXF] Advanced Footer 2.1.13 Download

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2.1.13 download the source from the button above

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  • 1-year access to all cXF Pack C Membership Add-ons for XenForo 2
  • 1-year access to all cXF Premium Customizations for XenForo 2
If you got our add-ons on websites other than customizexf.com or xenforo.com, then you got them on pirated sites. If so, we suggest you remove the add-on from the server and download it from the original site. Please, support the developers and fight piracy!

DEMO on our site customizexf.com.


  • fixed (sticky) footer
    • enable fixed footer so the footer will always stay on top and visible
    • make fixed footer wide to it fits the browser an not only the forum width
    • disable fixed footer on mobile if you wish

  • footer icons
    • add icons to footer links
    • choose any Font Awesome icons for links
    • show only icons
    • show only icons just on mobile screen
    • change icon color
    • change icon hover color
    • change icon size

  • footer links
    • add login and/or register link to footer
    • add up to three custom links
    • remove any link in footer

  • footer columns
    • show up to three customizable footer columns (change background, content, title, colors, borders etc.)
    • add text or any other content to footer column
    • disable footer columns on mobile if you wish

  • footer widgets
    • 3 footer widget positions (above footer links, below footer links, above copyright)
    • enable footer widget position in style properties and add any widget you want from the widget page

  • social icons in footer
    • add any social icons to footer as additional 4th column on right footer columns or below them (currently up to 6 icons)
    • change icons
    • change icon color
    • change icon hover color









Many settings in the Style properties:


For Social icons in the footer make sure to check the Options for this add-on.