Free Desert Isometric Tileset Download

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Before you Desert Isometric Tileset. Sand, ruins, withered trees (or what is left of them), all this was created in order to convey the atmosphere of the driest desert. You can create a new level or update an existing one. Also, you can create additional levels, quests, stories, RPG adventures and other content. The set consists: 2 types of dry wood, tiles of different colors and numbers from 1 to 10, stairs and bridges created from dry wood, location tiles, skulls, spears, health indicators, totems, dry grass, coins and a bag of gold.
The color scheme is mainly consists of natural sand shades that convey the feeling of being in the desert. Players obviously will not remain indifferent to this location. In a vector editor like Adobe Illustrator, you can edit tiles, change colors, style, focus on other details, or compose everything together.

  • Graphics: 2D, Isometry;
  • Format: AI, EPS, PNG.

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