XenForo Easy User Ban 2 by Siropu 2.1.2 Null Download

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This add-on allows you and your moderators to manage bans very easily from the front-end. You can ban users for x hours, days, months or until a specified date.

  • Link to quick ban/unban users directly from their profile, thread posts, profile posts and conversation messages
  • Ban users in certain forums and threads
  • Ban/unban multiple users at the same time
  • Moderator log
  • Banned user list with recent bans and expiring bans widgets
  • Display custom avatars for banned users
  • Post ban/unban notifications in a predefined forum or thread
  • Display ban end date and reason in user profile.
  • Display custom notice to banned users when visiting website
  • Add temporary banned users to custom user group
  • Hide post content of banned users
  • User group permissions with various options

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