XenForo Forum reply ban by Xon 1.0.2 Download

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You can free Forum reply ban by Xon

1.0.2 download the source from the button above

Allows banning users from replying (or optionally viewing) a forum. Can issue these forum bans when issuing a warning, as well as a per-forum control.

Use the free Thread reply ban teeth add-on to block non-reply actions for forum reply bans

Addon requirements

If any of the following at installed, then this add-on requires the following minimum version:
  • Can Warn Staff v2.3.0+
  • Thread reply ban teeth v2.8.0+
  • Report Improvements v2.16.0+
  • Permission Improvements v1.1.0+
  • Collaborative Threads v2.8.0+

Global Options
  • Forum ban also disables viewing

Forum moderator permissions
  • View forum bans
  • Issue standalone forum bans
  • Issue forum bans via warnings
  • Delete forum bans

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