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Take control of your experience: ignore forums, threads, tags, conversations, and users with ease.
Ignore Forums
Ignore Forums
- Allows users to ignore specific forums and hide their content.
- Ignored forums will not appear in view.
- Lets users hide unwanted threads from their view.
- Personalizes experience by allowing users to focus on content they care about.
- Enables users to ignore specific tags and hide related content.
- Ideal for users not interested in specific topics or categories.
- Gives users the ability to block specific conversations and keep them hidden.
- Avoids conversations that are not relevant or of interest.
- Allows users to ignore other users and hide their content.
- Ignored users' content will not show in various locations: widgets, newsfeeds, find news, forum listing, alerts, profile posts, etc...
- Ideal for avoiding content from users who consistently post material that is not of interest or is potentially offensive.
- Gives users the power to block unwanted conversations, ensuring they never see them again.
- Avoids conversations that are repetitive, spammy, or irrelevant.
- Provides users with the option to allow ignored users to view their profile while keeping their content hidden.
- Gives users full control over their privacy.
- Provides valuable statistics and insights into how users interact with the platform.
- Better understanding of user behavior for informed decisions.
- All features of the add-on are permission-controlled.
- Ensures platform remains safe and user-friendly for all users.