XenForo Increase Registrations by Blurring Post Text v1.5.0 Download

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v1.5.0 download the source from the button above

If you’d like to boost registrations and deter guests viewing all your content use this add-on.

Guests will only be shown the first X posts – remaining posts will be blurred.


Users will need to register or login to view the remaining posts.

Features include:
  • Set the number of posts visible per page
  • Ability to ignore stickies
  • Ability to ignore forums
  • Ability to specifically include thread_id’s, even if the forum falls under ignored forums
  • Ability to set the registration overlay automatically visible
  • Ability to set a message above each blurred post
  • Ability to cloak for bots and crawlers (recommended)
    • This is not mandatory and the blurred text can be shown to Google/Search engines if you wish
System includes:
  • All language in phrases
  • Supports multilingual translation