You can free Member Map download the source from the button above download the source from the button above
There was a 500 error in the admin center and in the public part of the site after moving from php 7.4.23 to 8.1.6 and upgrading Invision Community from to 4.7.11.
Find in page 198:
Find in page 718:
Template error (edit every installed template on the site).
Find in membermap > front > markers > groupRow
The new one can be found here. There is an import tool in the new app to migrate your stuff over
Find in page 198:
Replaced by:public function getLastCommentTime()Click to expand...
public function getLastCommentTime( \IPS\Member $member = NULL )Click to expand...
Find in page 718:
Replaced by:public function contentImages( $limit = NULL )
$attachments = parent::contentImages( $limit ) ?: array();Click to expand...
public function contentImages( $limit = NULL, $ignorePermissions = FALSE )
$attachments = parent::contentImages( $limit, $ignorePermissions ) ?: array();Click to expand...
Template error (edit every installed template on the site).
Find in membermap > front > markers > groupRow
Replaced by:{{if method_exists( $table, 'canModerate' ) AND $table->canModerate()}}Click to expand...
This is a dead application. All features have been removed from this version simply to make it uninstallable on IPS 4.7 and PHP8.{{if $table AND method_exists( $table, 'canModerate' ) AND $table->canModerate()}}Click to expand...
The new one can be found here. There is an import tool in the new app to migrate your stuff over