You can free New content limit by user
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1.0 download the source from the button above
Premium upgrade:
This XF2 add-on along with the entire collection can be purchased for $35.00 USD. Your Premium upgrade will allow you to download as many XF2 add-ons as you like for one year. Please see the entire collection located in the Resources area at this URL:
Limits the number of new threads and posts allowed by selected users.
(Example of error message)
(Example of Options page)
All phrases start with newcontentlimitbyuser_ for your convenience.
This XF2 add-on along with the entire collection can be purchased for $35.00 USD. Your Premium upgrade will allow you to download as many XF2 add-ons as you like for one year. Please see the entire collection located in the Resources area at this URL:
Limits the number of new threads and posts allowed by selected users.
(Example of error message)
(Example of Options page)
All phrases start with newcontentlimitbyuser_ for your convenience.