You can free New post email
1.3 download the source from the button above
1.3 download the source from the button above
Premium upgrade:
This XF2 add-on along with the entire collection can be purchased for $35.00 USD. Your Premium upgrade will allow you to download as many XF2 add-ons as you like for one year. Please see the entire collection located in the Resources area at this URL:
Sends an email to members when a new post is created.
This add-on is designed for very small forums where there are few members and very few posts. For example a small club where members seldom visit, but you as the admin want every member to receive an email when you make a new thread or reply to an existing thread. Any member creating a new thread or replying to an existing thread will result in every member getting an email about the new post.
(Example of email)
(Example of Receive new post email link in Account -> Preferences menu)
(Example of Options page)
Q: Will emails be sent to all members?
A: Only valid members will receive emails assuming they have not unsubscribed.
Q: Are view permissions honored?
A: Yes.
This XF2 add-on along with the entire collection can be purchased for $35.00 USD. Your Premium upgrade will allow you to download as many XF2 add-ons as you like for one year. Please see the entire collection located in the Resources area at this URL:
Sends an email to members when a new post is created.
This add-on is designed for very small forums where there are few members and very few posts. For example a small club where members seldom visit, but you as the admin want every member to receive an email when you make a new thread or reply to an existing thread. Any member creating a new thread or replying to an existing thread will result in every member getting an email about the new post.
(Example of email)
(Example of Receive new post email link in Account -> Preferences menu)
(Example of Options page)
- Sends emails every 10 minutes.
- All phrases start with newpostemail_ for your convenience.
Q: Will emails be sent to all members?
A: Only valid members will receive emails assuming they have not unsubscribed.
Q: Are view permissions honored?
A: Yes.