XenForo [OzzModz] Custom Post Style 2.1.0 Download

File Size: 380 KB

Download Count: 2237

File Update Date: 08.03.2025

You can free [OzzModz] Custom Post Style

2.1.0 download the source from the button above

Monetize your forum with paid custom post themes

  • Ability to apply custom themes for posts:
    Like a user group styling, you can add "post style" settings with custom CSS styles
  • Ability to purchase "post styles":
    Users can purchase multiple styles and apply any of them when they want
    Uses standard Payment Providers system for purchasing
  • Ability to apply any post style without purchase
  • Permissions are node-sensitive
Terms of use:
  • 1 license - 1 website
    If you want to use on multiple sites on your own, please PM me
  • You are not allowed to redistribute add-on

XF 2.2+
Standard Library by Xon


Loops in coding allow you to repeat a set of instructions multiple times.