XenForo Rebuild post reactions cache 1.5 Null Download

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Rebuilds post reactions cache.

This add-on is useful to remove deleted members reactions.

(Example of Rebuild now button)


  • Can be run from ACP or as CLI.
  • All phrases start with rebuildpostreactionscache_ for your convenience.
Run from browser:

If your forum has less than 100K posts, run from the Admin control panel.

Navigate to the following:

Admin control panel -> Tools -> Rebuild caches -> Rebuilds post reactions cache

Run from CLI:

If your forum has more than 100K posts, run from CLI.

Go to your server terminal
Navigate to the directory your forum is installed in.
Enter the following command:

php cmd.php xf-rebuild:rebuildpostreactionscache

Questions and Answers:

Q: I get a 504 Gateway Timeout.
A: Run from CLI.

Q: Running from CLI how long does it take to process 1M posts?
A: About an hour.

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