XenForo Schedule Content for XF 2.x 2.2.0 Null Download

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Description: This addon allow user can set scheduled post.
When a thread was scheduled this only display for admin, mod and owner of thread can view 
- Admin or Mod (who have permission to do) can stop scheduling thread

  • Support invisible (thread don't display before publishing) and locked (thread don't allow reply before expiring)
  • Support send alerts to user.
  • Support changing owner of thread. (Supported 1.2.1)
  • Allow set default scheduled time and custom scheduled time. (Supported 1.2.1)
  • Support 12 hours or 24 hours format.
  • Allow each group user can add scheduled thread
  • Allow each group user can edit scheduled thread
  • Allow each group user can view scheduled thread although thread still don't publishing
  • Allow each group user can view list of scheduled threads.
How to use:
  • Install Addon
  • Set permission for each group user can set scheduled post
  • Set permssion for each group can edit scheduled

Live for test: http://nobita.me/

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