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Schedule thread for future posting to specific forum.

This add-on allows the admin to prepare a thread ahead of time and have it automatically published at a future date. The thread will be created in a private forum and must not contain any replies.

(Example of Schedule thread menu link)


(Example of Schedule thread menu)


(Example of Schedule thread page)


(Example of Scheduled thread notice)


(Example of User group permissions)



All phrases start with schedulethread_ for your convenience.

User group permissions:

Example of User group permissions:

Administrators -> Schedule thread -> View -> Yes
Moderators -> Schedule thread -> View -> Yes

How to use:

Create a private forum where only staff members can view. All threads which you want to schedule should be created in this private forum. Make sure you don't have any replies in the thread as that is not allowed and will prevent the scheduled move.

Database modifications:

A table called xf_andy_schedule_thread will be created in your database.

Questions and answers:

Q: When the thread is moved, will it have the move date as the thread date?
A: Yes. It will be the same as if you had just created the thread.

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