XenForo Vanillicon Integration for XenForo - Set Avatars Automatically or by default 1.0.0 Download

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Vanillicons are avatars that are unique to your name or email address. They are free to use. Vanillicons have recently gained popularity. So far, they have generated 555 million avatars.

  • Integrate Vanillicon with XenForo easily.
  • Automatically set avatars for newly signed-up users based on their name or email address.
  • Automation - A cron job runs every hour to check if there are any users left without avatars.
  • It does not affect custom avatars.
  • Well-documented; it comes with a step-by-step installation guide.
  • Make your forum more active and engaging.
  • Full source code included.

Some avatars generated by Vanillicon.


Vanillicon avatars on XenForo forum's index page.


Vanillicon avatar for new users.


Forum members using Vanillicon.


Automation: Cron job system.


And full source code. No encryption.

Enhance the appearance of your forum. Begin utilizing our Vanillicon integration plugin.

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