Free Fairy Skill Icons Pixel Art Download

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Here are some Fairy Skill Icons Pixel Art for your enjoyment. Your fantasy setting and character stats can be easily diversified with abilities. For example, such as control of natural phenomena, elements (water, lightning, wind, etc.), plants, taming insects, birds, and animals, walking on water, skillful protection, increasing strength, stamina, possession, and control of magic items, great luck, teleport, and more. These visuals can be used to unlock the unique abilities of bosses, quests, or the main characters in your game. You have an opportunity to intergrade icons in different genres of 2D games (RPG, MMORP, action, rogue, card games, text novels, or action platformers). Customize the bonus system by giving players specific damage points, strength, rank, or buffs. Adjust the color scheme, icon parts or change the color in any graphic editor like Adobe Photoshop.

  • Graphics: 2D, pixels;
  • Quantity: 48 pieces;
  • Archive with files: PSD, PNG;
  • Resolution: 32×32.

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